Peer Learning Workshop

Our director of professional development, Melissa Meeks, is leading another free workshop for faculty during the week of September 12-16, 2016. If you’re curious about how peer learning works for better feedback and revision, or if you’re interested in how to use Eli Review in your class, follow the instructions below to sign up!
The workshop takes about 3 hours total–no synchronous meetings required:
- Monday – 3 tasks:
- Enroll for free in Eli as a student.
- Read and watch our resources about formative feedback and review task design.
- Write a short statement about the value of peer learning to be shared in your own classes.
- Tuesday – Review the statements of colleagues who are also participating in the course.
- Wednesday – Watch an instructor use Eli’s analytics to debrief the feedback exchanged during review.
- Thursday – Submit a revision plan.
- Friday – Participants will be enrolled as co-instructors so that they can explore the course on their own.
About the Workshop
Feedback and revision improve learning. Eli Review is designed to make it easier to assign more feedback and revision. Eli also helps instructors coach writers in giving better comments and making better revisions because they can see more of students’ thinking and actions.
- Feedback and revision are the key components of a powerful writing pedagogy.
- Effective reviews help students give helpful feedback.
- Teachers can help students rethink their writing.
- Teachers can use formative feedback in real-time to coach writers and reviewers.
In this workshop, instructors will share the way they explain peer learning to their students and experience Eli Reivew’s scaffold for feedback and revision first-hand.

Signing Up
To sign-up for the September 12-16 workshop, follow these instructions:
- Go to app.elireview.com
- Login or create an account.
- Choose “Student Dashboard.”
- In the course code box, type: ladle446alum and then click Join Course.
- From the Student Dashboard, click “Asynchronous Hands-On Experience (5 Days).”
- Click on the writing task “Describe Eli’s Value to Students” to view the prompt. The prompt includes links to two professional development resources and a video that you need to read/watch before composing either a syllabus blurb or your talking points for discussing peer learning with students.
- Type your response in Eli Review or paste it into Eli from a rich-text formatted file and submit.
Note: To be included in the review, your writing task must be submitted by 9 AM Eastern on September 12.
Learn more about Writing Tasks in Eli Review for instructors and students.