Eli Review User Guide

Writing Tasks

In a writing task, instructors post the criteria describing what students need to submit for peer learning.

Students see writing tasks, ordered by due date, along with their review and revision tasks on a single to-do list in the Eli Dashboard.

Creating a Writing Task

Creating a writing task is one of the most straightforward types of work in Eli Review.


Writing tasks consist of only four pieces of information:

Saving vs. Creating Writing Tasks

You have two options for how to save the work you’ve done preparing a writing task:

NOTE: Once students begin submitting, the task will be locked to edits, although you’ll be able to extend the deadline if needed.

Review and Revision tasks work in a very similar way, where you are no longer able to edit tasks once students begin submitting responses.

Loading Existing Writing Tasks

Instead of creating a writing assignment from scratch, users can use the button in the upper right corner to “load from library.”

Load from library button in upper right corner

The library includes:

When you’ve found the  task you want to borrow, click the “Load” link, and the writing task will be populated with the settings for that task. You’ll be asked to enter a new due date, and you’ll be able to edit any of the settings from previous task. Once you’re done editing, you can save the task as a draft or assign it to students, as normal. For more information on loading tasks, see the Task Repository section of the user guide.

How Students Experience Writing Tasks

Curious about what students will experience in Eli’s writing tasks? Click the Student Preview option, which is in the lower left of writing tasks saved as a draft and in the upper left of assigned writing tasks.

Student preview button Student Preview appears in list of options in upper left of assigned writing task

Check out the Writing Task section of the Student User Guide.

Accessing Student Submissions

Once you’ve either saved your writing task as a draft or assigned it to your students, you’ll be taken directly to the task detail view. From this view, you’ll be able to do the following:

The individual student report for the writing task will either display the full text of the student’s submission right in the report or link to the file they uploaded. If there have been review and revision tasks, links in the student report will take you to the report of that task for that student.

How Submission Method Influences Review and Revision Tasks

It’s important when selecting a submission method for a writing task to consider the implications for the review and revision tasks that will follow. Each method has affordances and tradeoffs:

The takeaway: “Compose in Eli” provides the most robust options for feedback that is tied to highlighted passages.

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