The Eli Review Blog

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Turn your students’ learning into a conference talk or a journal article

We can help you highlight how learning happens in your course or program. Your assignments, students’ drafts, feedback given, feedback received, and revision plans are a robust, authentic record of how students improved.

You can turn the evidence from peer learning into better courses, but you can also present at  conferences and publish. We can help you. We work with programs every day to produce custom reports that answer questions about students’ improvement.

If you are doing assessment work or reflecting on your own teaching, the data is already at your fingertips and only yours (check our Terms of Service). With one click, you can access specific writing and review tasks or whole class downloads. The app provides both raw data and analytics.

Do you have a research project in mind? If you have an IRB-approved research project or your classroom research is exempt through 45 CFR.46.101(b)(1) for educational settings, we’re happy to work with you on a custom query to pull your data.

Email [email protected] to learn more about the work we are doing with other programs and what we can help you do.

Turn your students’ learning into a conference talk or a journal article was published to the Eli Review Blog in the category Research.

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