Your booklist for Fall 2016 sets priorities for the work instructors and students will do. Eli Review can change how they do that work.
Eli Review’s workflow and features turn the classroom into a studio where instructors can see engaged peer learning. Instructors can provide students with more practice, more feedback, more revision, and more coaching. In this case, more equals better—better feedback, better writing, better writers.
Here are 12 reasons Eli Review could be the most powerful learning tool on your Fall 2016 booklist.
#12: Writers learn from other writers.

#11: Writers learn by revising.

#10: Learning is visible in revision plans prior to final drafts.
#9: Writers learn to revise because of helpful feedback.

#8: Writers get helpful feedback when instructors teach reviewers to give it.
#7: You can’t teach what you can’t see.
#6: Teachers are more effective when they can see students’ thinking.
#5: Review engages students in reading drafts critically and gets them thinking about peers’ writing strategies.

#4: Peer learning requires student engagement.

#3: Writing and reviewing small bits encourages targeted feedback and helps students revise.

#2: More feedback and revision produce better writers.

#1: Becoming better reviewers makes students better writers.
While we could go on, what these 12 reasons have in common is that Eli Review is pedagogy: it’s not magic, and it’s not a robot. It gives you tools for:
- assigning rapid cycles of feedback and revision
- designing targeted reviews
- coaching feedback and revision
- being an evidence-based teacher
For college instructors, getting Eli Review in your class is as easy as putting it on your syllabus. It is a subscription-based service and students can buy subscriptions on their own as they would a textbook. You can even ask your bookstore to carry Eli Review subscription cards: just give the manager our ISBN (9780692476123) or contact [email protected] for more information.
For departmental adoptions at K-12 or higher-ed institutions, we negotiate pricing and subscription methods; collaborate on devising a series professional development opportunities for your staff; and partner with you in conducting research on the work students and instructors are doing in the system.
Ready to get started? If so, just fill out the form below or contact us at [email protected].