The Eli Review Blog

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New in 2015 + Upcoming Workshops

Eli Review’s mission is to help instructors make peer learning more frequent and more effective. 2015 has been a busy year as we’ve expanded our free resources and our team:

  • Teacher Development Modules: New short resources get instructors and students talking about feedback and revision pedagogy.
  • New Features: New analytics and a new look make it easier to see learning.
  • New People: Melissa Graham Meeks joins the Eli Review team to work with faculty on best practices, curriculum design, and implementation.

Opportunities to See Eli Review in Action

Seeing Eli Review at work can help you decide if it’s a good fit for your class. Our free online professional development sessions invite instructors to participate in a course as students. Participants share the way they explain peer learning to their students and experience Eli’s scaffold for feedback and revision first-hand. Each week-long session takes about 3 hours.

Just follow these steps to join one of the upcoming free sessions:

  1. Go to and create an account or log in.
  2. Choose “Student Dashboard.”
  3. In the “Join a Course” box, enter one of the following codes:
    1. December 7-13: rescue556tombs
    2. January 4-7 : spires492fervid

You can also follow the online experience over at our community website.

Getting Started is Easier Than Ever

Get your first class up and running with a quick step-by-step guide. Students will purchase individual subscriptions if you’re adopting Eli for just your class, or you can contact [email protected] for additional student/institutional purchase options, including K-12 pricing.

New in 2015 + Upcoming Workshops was published to the Eli Review Blog in the category Professional Development.

Sign up for a Professional Development Workshop to learn how Eli works! Sign up now!