The Eli Review Blog

Archived posts from the category "Uncategorized"

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Revision Plans Lead to Interventions

In Eli Review, a revision plan lets writers copy helpful peer comments and prioritize them in a list, adding their own notes to explain how they’ll incorporate those suggestions in […]

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The Peer Learning PR Problem

No one cheers for broccoli or for the coach who calls for another lap. Peer learning is like that extra workload that you’re thankful for after it’s over. Like athletes, […]

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Fall 2016 in the Rearview Mirror

This blog post continues a pattern of reporting we began at the end of academic year 2015-2016 when we took a deep dive and shallow swim through the task usage […]

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Prepping for Winter / Spring 2017

It’s somehow December already, which means that not only is it time to start winding down current courses but also thinking ahead to our next ones. Here are some tips […]

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Keenly Understand Students’ Learning Paths: Eli, NCTE, and Formative Assessment

NCTE introduces its position statement on formative assessment this way: Formative assessment is the lived, daily embodiment of a teacher’s desire to refine practice based on a keener understanding of […]

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