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An Invitation from Eli to Colleagues Who May Have a Sudden Need for Online Learning Support due to COVID-19

As campuses are making plans for possible containment or quarantine efforts related to COVID-19 outbreaks, we recognize that we might be of some assistance. Eli Review is an online resource for teachers and students who use peer learning – students sharing work, doing peer reviews, and planning revisions based on feedback – as a key part of their course plans.

We invite instructors who use peer learning pedagogies and may need to make a sudden shift to online learning to use Eli at no charge through the end of their Spring 2019 terms.

Create a course at and then drop Melissa a line at [email protected] and tell us what your situation is.

We’ll make the course free for your students.

If we can be of help to you, we invite you to use Eli at no charge through the end of any term in which you are asked to make a sudden or unplanned shift to online-only meetings.

Why are We Doing This?

We want to help.

Eli was founded ten years ago and is still run today by writing teachers. We created Eli as an alternative resource to tools that did not always work to support our process-based, student-centered approach to feedback as a key part of learning. Today, tens of thousands of students are learning in Eli every semester in a wide-range of classrooms and across disciplines.

We want to help students learn to give great feedback and to use the feedback they receive to revise and reflect. Some online tools make those things harder to do than they would be in a face-to-face classroom.

So if you have a need to shift your feedback-rich classroom suddenly online and you can’t find an environment that seems to make that possible, we might be able to help. 

How to Get Started

  1. From, choose “New to Eli? Sign up!” and create an account. Or, if your campus* has an integration, start from the external tools area in your LMS (Canvas, D2L, Blackboard).
  2. Create a course.
  3. Copy the the URL and email it to Melissa. She will mark your course free and send student registration info.
  4. Watch this 4-min video about pasting in your writing assignment, designing a review task using a template, and editing groups to assign peer review. Or, read about creating tasks using templates and editing groups.
  5. After students have enrolled, deep links can be posted in email or LMS so that students click the link and go directly to the Eli Review task.


*Campuses with LMS Integration

  • Auburn University
  • Duke University
  • Michigan State University
  • Montcalm Community College
  • San Francisco State University
  • University of Arkansas
  • University of Arizona
  • University at Buffalo
  • University of North Georgia
  • Western Michigan University
  • Westchester Community College

An Invitation from Eli to Colleagues Who May Have a Sudden Need for Online Learning Support due to COVID-19 was published to the Eli Review Blog in the category Uncategorized.

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