Curriculum Resources

Peer Feedback for TILT Writing Assignments

The Transparency in Learning and Teaching Project ( offers a research-based writing task template developed by Mary-Ann Winkelmes, Ph.D. Their resources (CC BY-SA 4.0) show multiple examples across the disciplines.

Instructors who are TILTing their writing assignments could also add a peer review activity. This template translates a TILT writing task section into a question in Eli Review. Unlike TILT, this review task is not research-based; contact [email protected] if you are interested in conducting a study about the impact of these question types.


This 4-minute video, developed as a resource during Spring 2020, explains how to create a writing task and then add TILT review template discussed below in your Eli Review course.


Review Task Design

One of the most important elements of the TILT writing task is the purpose statement. Here’s the full-text of the review task purpose statement, which instructors are encouraged to modify:


As reviewer, your goal is to pay attention to the specific criteria of this task so that you are better able to give feedback and later to revise your own work. 


The feedback you give others builds your reputation as a helpful colleague in the workplace. This academic task helps you practice giving helpful comments that include enough information to persuade writers to revise; such comments describe the writer’s point, evaluate it against the criteria, and suggest a strategy or revision.

When you describe the writer’s point, you practice critical reading and paraphrasing.

When you evaluate using the criteria, you are applying disciplinary knowledge and knowledge of writing conventions.

When you suggest a strategy or revision, you are identifying possible solutions. Your knowledge of problems and their solutions builds your skillset.


After reading others’ drafts, you should be more familiar with this important content: [specify the content students will learn]

Task Template

The full-screen image of the review task’s purpose statement and questions are available:

TILT-based review purpose statement

TILT-based review task

Or, load the template in your own Eli Review course:

  1. Create a Review task.
  2. In the upper right corner, click “Load from Library.”
  3. In the upper right corner, search “TILT.”
  4. Locate the “TILTed Review Task Template” and choose “Load.”
  5. “Load” again.
  6. Then, customize to fit your assignments.
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