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Peer Learning Across Grade Levels and Disciplines in 2015

At Eli Review, we work closely with instructors to help them use peer learning for better feedback and better revision. One of the factors that makes peer learning so powerful is that it’s not limited by age level or discipline.

For example, in Fall 2015, Eli Review is being used at almost 50 institutions of various types:

Institution Type Enrolled students July-Dec 2015
16 K-12 institutions 2,945
31 Higher Education Institutions 8,838
All 11,798

At those institutions, Eli Review helps facilitate peer learning in a diverse range of courses where instructors make formative feedback a priority—writing courses from 5th grade to Master’s level as well as courses in foreign language, natural science, social science, business, education, and the fine arts. New courses in engineering and instructional design have already started for spring 2016.


We’re excited to see Eli Review in an increasingly diverse range of classrooms. You can see some of that diversity in our sample curricula, which includes teaching material from K-12 ELA, technical writing, and science writing.

Please contact us and let us help you determine if Eli Review can help you put peer learning to work in your classroom to writers get better at feedback and revision.

Peer Learning Across Grade Levels and Disciplines in 2015 was published to the Eli Review Blog in the category Uncategorized.

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