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Assigning “Feedback and Revision” to Students

We published the first installment of our Teacher Development Series on Feedback and Revision last week and the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

One response comes from Nick Carbone, who suggests that the series is useful not only for instructors, but also for students. Nicks says of the installment: “this kind of insight into the reasons for requiring peer feedback, for valuing it, for doing it early and often, helps students buy into doing it.” He suggests that slightly modifying the discussion questions included for instructors at the end of the piece would be helpful for students, too:

  1. In the past, how has feedback helped you make decide what kinds of changes to make in your writing, learning, or other goals such as getting better at sport, or cooking or dancing or some other pursuit? How will feedback help you achieve the learning goals you set for this course?
  2. Have you ever given someone feedback, advice, help of any kind and then thought to yourself, hey, that’s a good idea, I’ll try it myself? If you give writing feedback to a classmate that’s really useful to them, do you think it might also be useful to you, or based on something that was useful to you?
  3. Writing is part of this course, and our goal in revising based on peer feedback is in part to teach you all how to get and give feedback on your own. What role does writing play in other courses you have, and how might feedback play a role in learning in those courses?
  4. How might your learning about writing change, learning about yourself as a writer, if you had data on the usefulness of the feedback you gave, a record of what feedback you found useful, and reflective revision plans that show how you made used the feedback you received?

For more, visit Nick’s blog: #worthassigning Feedback and Revision: The Key Components of Powerful Writing Pedagogy

Assigning “Feedback and Revision” to Students was published to the Eli Review Blog in the categories Pedagogy, Professional Development.

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