Another summer Friday, another Eli update! While the theme of the last few updates has been improving user experience and cleaning up existing issues, today marks the first time in a while that we’re pushing a major new feature out into the world. We’re very excited to introduce Eli’s revision plan function to the world!

New Features
- Revision Plans: Eli takes a big step forward today with the release of our first revision feature. You can read more about revision and what’s ahead and specifically about how to use revision plans in the classroom today, but here’s a quick recap of features:
- writers add individual pieces of feedback they receive from reviewers to a revision plan
- writers can sort selected feedback according to priority
- writers can edit the feedback they’ve added and add additional notes
- writers can print their revision plans to use while revising or to share with instructors
- Account Settings – a refreshed interface makes it much easier to manage account settings. Users have always been able to update their email address, but now they can change all settings of their accounts.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that kept instructions for individual writing tasks from being displayed
- Fixed a bug where writers were not taken right to their review reports after completing a review
- Fixed a bug where reviewers were shown an error message when an assigned reviewee had not completed the writing task
- Resolved a display issue in which students with long names caused line breaks that were difficult to read