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An Eli Friday – Updates, Bug Fixes, and New Video

Hello Eli community!  Schools across the country are starting new semesters and marking periods, which means more beta testers, and more beta testers means more issues unearthed.  We’ve been hearing from you all week and have been working hard to address issues you’ve identified for us.  Here’s a comprehensive list:

  1. Secret Questions – we need a way to let users (particularly secondary students) regain access to Eli when they’ve forgotten their passwords that don’t rely on email, and Secret Questions seemed to be the answer.  However, when creating an account, a bug was forcing new users to provide answers to six secret questions, which (even to us) was tedious and infuriating.  New users will now only have to register one question and it’s right on the profile creation interface, rather than a separate step.
  2. Account Creation Error – as if adding insult to injury, when the user registeres their sixth secret question, it returns an error and fails!  Blerg.  This problem has been resolved, and account creation should be much more streamlined.
  3. Instructor Permissions – some instructors were receiving an error that told them they are “not the instructor for this course” when trying to add new students to the course.  This was a pretty simple bug and should no longer be an issue.
  4. Editing/Deleting Assignments and Reviews – one painfully frustrating feature Eli has been lacking is the ability to edit or delete assignments or reviews after they’ve been created.  If you make a typo in an assignment or forget a feature in a review, you have no choice but to create a new one and let the old one sit there. A number of people have raised this issue and we know just how important that is.  Luckily, our supercoder Vaughn Anderson is a Canadian native and thus thrives in this frigid weather, so keep your eyes open for this feature which he’s hoping to have done by noon EST today (1/21/2011).

Speaking of super talents, WIDE student assistant Dave Johnson has put together a new video featuring Bill and Jeff talking about the importance of review in learning to write and in the workplace:

If you missed any of our previous videos, check them out on WIDE’s YouTube channel.

Thanks for all your feedback which is essential to making Eli better.  Keep your comments coming in ([email protected]) and have a great weekend!

An Eli Friday – Updates, Bug Fixes, and New Video was published to the Eli Review Blog in the categories Beta, Feedback.

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