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Hack: Import to Gradebook

Eli Review is for practice. It supports peer feedback and revision so that students can submit their best work to be graded outside the app.

The completion report records students’ participation record. For instructors using contract grading or awarding participation points, the completion report can be used to import grades into your campus’s gradebook in three steps.

Step 1: Download the completion report from Eli Review.

From your course Dashboard, click  “Completion” and then click “Download Completion” report. It’s a .csv file.

The completion report shows the status of students' submissions in each task.

The completion report shows the status of students’ submissions in each task.

The following table describes the different submission statuses:

Icon Submission Status What it Means How to Find Out More
 Green box with white check mark means "Completed on time" Complete Student has submitted the task. If you want to verify minimum requirements, go to the task. In the top left, view Submission Details.
Yellow box with white triangle means "Late." Late Student clicked “Submit” after the due date. If you want to know whether it was late by seconds, hours, or days, go to the task. In the top left, view Submission Details.
Gray box with sand timer means "Waiting" on a peer to submit their draft. Waiting The student has done as much as they can in the review task; they are in a group with a writer who has not turned in a draft. If you want to know which writer hasn’t turned in a draft, go to the review task and locate the group in the left panel.
Grey box with grey triangle means "Incomplete." Incomplete The student has not submitted the task.
White box with Grey dot means "Not Assigned" (likely because no draft submitted). Not Assigned The student was excluded from the review task. Typically, the student had not turned in a draft when the review groups were formed, so they were left in “Ungrouped.” If the student has now turned in the draft and you want to give them chance to participate, go to the review task and choose “Edit Groups” from the left panel.


Step 2: Use spreadsheet tools to modify.

The .csv file can be opened in any spreadsheet tool like Excel or Google Sheets.

The download includes words, but those can be transformed into points with formulas like those shown in the table.

Formula Purpose


  • Counts “completed” tasks
  • multiplies by points earned so that students earn 10 points for each “complete”
=((COUNTIF(range,”Incomplete”))+(COUNTIF(range,”Not Assigned”)))*penalty

=((COUNTIF(H:P,”Incomplete”))+(COUNTIF(H:P,”Not Assigned”)*-10 

  • Counts “incomplete” tasks and review tasks that were “not assigned” because draft was missing
  • multiplies by penalty
Find “Complete” and Replace “#”

Then, =Sum(range)

  • Turn “complete” into “10” so that students earn 10 points for each “complete”
  • Sum points earned


Step 3: Import to your gradebook’s requirements.

Check your grade book’s documentation for how to format the spreadsheet for importing:


Copy and paste your modified completion report .csv into the format required for importing.

Hack: Import to Gradebook was published to the Eli Review Blog in the category Hacks.

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